East of Eden | Book Review
A lot of the book just had me saying “That’s messed up.” But, that’s just the way life works since we are all living somewhere “East of Eden.”
A Million Miles in a Thousand Years | Donald Miller
Donald Miller’s new book “A Million Miles in a Thousand Years” is filled with some really moving stories. The tagline is “What I learned editing my life” and centers around the story of turning his another one of his books “Blue Like Jazz” (READ MY REVIEW) into a movie.
Highway 61 Revisited Review
Like a Rolling Stone Rock music isn’t anything special anymore. It’s a genre now associated with unmemorable songs and shallow lyrics meant for parties and those shady looking tattoo parlors. But there was a time when rock music wasn’t associated with poor quality entertainment. No,there was a time when it was associated with an awaking […]
The Book of Eli
STORY: The Book of Eli is about a man (Denzel Washington) who lives in a world where people forgot what it is like to be human. With no authority, in either law or morality, the world became a cold and selfish place. There was some kind of war, (that Eli believed was started by people […]